FLS-R gate valve

The FLS-R employs cutting-edge technologies in component design and materials. The FLS-R has a one-of-a-kind ball-screw and lower balancing stem mechanism that minimizes the amount of torque needed to function. This valve is suited for large-bore and high-pressure situations in production, manifold, and fracturing applications due to its field-proven performance and ease of use. The FLS-R gate valve features a simple, dependable gate and seat design that makes field service easier and saves spare parts inventory.

SKU: CSC-21 Categories: ,


The FLS-R ball-screw design that operates by rolling friction rather than sliding friction. A bidirectional design with more flow direction flexibility and a longer service life. Seal diameters and seat bearing surfaces that maintain valve chamber pressure at a minimum. With a lower stem that counteracts top stem pressure push, you may reduce operating torque, limit body cavity pressure build-up, and provide position indication. A metal-to-metal stem backseat on both the balancing and valve operator stems enables for the replacement of either stem seal while the valve chamber is under pressure.The grease fitting port is used to check the backseat and to isolate the stem seal stuffing box from line pressure. Controls Supply chain offers multiple indicator unit options for customers worldwide. In the petrochemical and process industries as well as the installation market Controls Supply chain has extensive experience. With a large variety of products and brands we serve both large and small customers. Please feel free to contact us for all your actuators, chart recorders, differential pressure units, flow computers, indicators, switches, transmitter & valves requirements. If the product you are looking for is not listed on our website, we can procure it for your company.