450C dp indicator

The Instruments Model 450C indicates low DP in high static pressure applications. Its 4-1/2″ dial provides excellent readability with economy of space. The M450C is a commercial version of the M316C, used by the U.S. Navy for shipboard measurement of DP, flow, and Liquid level. A rugged 4-1/2 inch (114 mm) indicator that offers economy of space and readability. Available with top/bottom or rears ports. M450C features:Aluminum (NEMA 4) or 316SST (NEMA 4X) and weather-proof dial 4-1/2 inch, 270° arc caseactuated by the 224C DPU Indicating Mechanism.
The indicating pointer traverses a 270° arc, providing excellent readability. It is driven by a precision, jeweled rotary movement that employs a thermally stable Ni-Span-C hair spring. The movement has a micrometer screw for range adjustments. Zero and range adjustments can be made without removing the scaleplate or pointer. Linearity adjustments are easily accessible after removal of the scaleplate.
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450C dp indicator

The 4-1/2 inch diameter scale can be graduated uniformly for DP or level, or square root for direct reading of flow rate. Special scales for indicating liquid quantity in tanks can be provided. A precision, jeweled rotary movement utilizing a thermally stable Ni-Span-C hair spring controls the indicating pointer. Range modifications can be made using the micrometer screw.

Linearity modifications require the scaleplate to be removed for access, while zero and range modifications can be achieved with the scaleplate and pointer in place. Engineered to align with MIL-S-901C Shock Grade A and MIL-STD-167 Vibration criteria, the ® Model 316C 4.5-inch DP Indicator is a distinctive version of the M450C. The U.S. Navy commonly uses this device to determine DP, flow and liquid level for on-board installations.


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