Model 251 and 251C

The Model 251 and s51C differential pressure indicating switch used to energize alarm or control circuits at preset values of differential pressure, amount of flow or liquid level. This unit has been tested and succesfully passed all requirements of MIL-S-901C, Grade A and MIL-STD-167 Vibration.

If you need a different model other than those listed, please contact us at
251 l 251C



Model 251 and 251C

Bellows Material:
316 Stainless Stee
Beryllium Copper

DP Ranges of the 251:
0-30″w.c. to 0-1000 PSID
(0-762 mm to 0-69 bar)

Switch Specs
Type: SPDT

Temperature Limits:
-40 F (-40 C) to + 180 F (+80 C)

Electrical Connections:
Standard: 1/4″NPT
AC Rating: 5 AMPS@125 volts/2,5 AMPS@ 240 volts
DC Rating: Inductive – 2,5 AMPS @30 volts / Resistive – 4 AMPS @30 volts

Housings and Safe Working Pressures:
Forged brass, SWP 500 PSI (34.5) bar
Brass, SWP 1000 PSI.(68.9 bar)
CR Steel , SWP’s 1500, 3000, & 6000 PSI.(103.4 , 206.9, &413.8 bar)
316 Stainless Steel, SWP’s 500, 1500, 3000, 6000 PSI. (34.5, 104, 207, 414 bar)
Cast Aluminum, SWP 400 PSI. (27.6 bar)
Alloy Steel , SWP 10000 PSI. (690 bar)


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