Product details

Brand: Imperial Eastman
Name: 764FSS Union Tee Tube to Tube to Tube 

Parts number & description

764FSS02 1/8 1.781 0.891 0.594 0.375 
764FSS04 1/4 2.094 1.047 0.719 0.437
764FSS05 5/16 2.375 1.188 0.781 0.500
764FSS06 3/8 2.469 1.234 0.797 0.500
764FSS08 1/2 2.969 1.484 0.938 0.625
764FSS10 5/8 3.875 1.938 1.313 1.000
764FSS12 3/4 4.125 2.063 1.438 1.000
764FSS16 1 3.875 1.938 1.313 1.313