A medium pressure regulator for commercial, industrial and gas utility distribution station applications. Inlet pressures up to 125 PSIG (8.6 bar). Sizes 1-1/2”, 2″ screwed, 50mm flanged. Available with OPSS and or UPSS.
The 1800/2000 series of regulators offer large volumes and many options. Temperature range -20°F to +150°F (-30°C to 65°C). Outlet pressure range 1800 Series 3.5”WC to 5 PSIG (8.7mbar to 1.03bar), 2000 Series 0.5 PSIG to 15 PSIG (34mbar to 1.03 bar). All units are designed for natural, propane vapor, air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other non-corrosive gases. The 1800 Series can be ordered as full relief, partial relief or no relief. 2000 Series Regulators are non-relieving. Both models are available with Over- pressure Shut off, Underpressure Shut off and monitor capabilities. They can be mounted in either a vertical or horizontal orientation, are suitable for use with natural gas, air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, propane vapor, and other non-corrosive gases.