Landis Gyr E850 MAXsys Elite

The MAXsys Elite Meter is a 0.1 accuracy four quadrant meter with logic, control and advanced power quality functions. The meter supports all of the functions and features of the MAXsys 2510 except for dial encoders, NSP power quality and the socket sleuth function. The meter will also support all of the old option cards except for the old modems. The display card is the heart of the Elite meter. The main functions that are supported by this card are the user interface (display and menu buttons), CPU, measurement circuit, memory, 4- output relays (the output relay cable is an option). All of the communications ports except for the modem and Ethernet are also on the display card. The meter also allows you to turn on and move the advanced features using a Soft Key feature.

SKU: c8c508eb973e-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Categories: , , Tag:


Standard Features
3.01 The MAXsys Elite Meter comes with an operating system that supports all of the functions and features of the MAXsys 2510 meters including single level Sag and Swell events and all of the new features of the MAXsys Elite meter.

The following hardware options can be order and are not included in the standard meter package.
a. Output Relay cable
b. Modem card and cables
c. Analog card and cable
d. I/O card and cable
e. Protocol card and cable (Not Required for DNP or MODBUS)

The following functions can be turned on or moved between meters using the “soft key” feature (no hardware required).
a. Advanced Power Quality (Waveform, RMS and Harmonic capture along with 3 levels of Sag and Swells).
b. RTU functions (DNP and MODBUS)
c. Instrument Transformer corrections
d. Dual Recorder
f. Peer 2 Peer