Controls Supply Chain also supplies gas – and oil heaters of Ermaf. The history of Ermaf began about 40 years ago and the company has had a number of transformations in the meantime. Ermaf has heating solutions specially developed for use in intensive stockbreeding (chickens, turkeys and pigs). Ermaf also provides solutions for greenhouse applications. Ermaf provides various solutions for the petrochemical and process industries. Ermaf delivers worldwide special heaters with stainless steel parts and they have a very good reputation. The equipment is of course of very high quality and is therefore very sustainable. The intelligent burners are safe, environmentally friendly and economically very attractive. Interrupting work because something is defective because or maintenance is required on Ermaf products means extra work for all involved. It is therefore important that such a break from work is restricted to a minimum. Here Controls Supply Chain steps in. Because we can respond appropriately to any situation and quickly deliver products and components, we are the partner in the field of petrochemical and process industries. Ermaf supplies through Controls Supply Chain. Besides that we supply manual valves and filters, pressure regulators, butterfly valves, pressure switches, combination controls, electronic flame detection and control, pilot burners and burners, further inflammation and control devices, thermoelectric safety, heating controllers comfort controls and measuring and test equipment. If you want more information on products, parts and accessories of Ermaf please contact the sales department at Website: