A medium pressure regulator for residential, light commercial, and small industrial applications. Inlet pressures up to 125 PSIG (8.6 bar). Sizes 3/4”x3/4”, 3/4”x1”, 3/4”x1-1/4”, 1”x1”, 1”x1-1/4” & 1-1/4” x 1-1/4”. Available with OPSS and or UPSS.
The 1800C regulator with full capacity internal relief valve. C-HC version giving high capacity. Body variants 90 Degree (Right Angle), 180 Degree (Straight-Flow) or Offset Valve Body . Versions available with OPSS and/or UPSS. Conforms to ANSI Code B109.4-1998, and CGA Service-Type Regulator Specification CAN/CGA-6.18-M95. Temperature range -20°F to +150°F (-30°C to 65°C). Outlet pressure range 3.5”WC to 2 PSIG (8.7 – 138 mbar). It can be mounted in either a vertical or horizontal orientation, is suitable for use with natural gas, air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, propane vapor, and other non-corrosive gases.