Controls Supply Chain also supplies products and components made by McDonnell & Miller. McDonnell and Miller are now part of Controls Supply Chain. The range of McDonnell & Miller includes several products for the petrochemical and process industries. McDonnell & Miller specializes particularly in Boiler Controls and power switches.
McDonnell & Miller in 1924 saw a means to improve low pressure steam boilers. After the development of automatic burners McDonnell & Miller has a specific product designed for hot water boilers. After several acquisitions they continue the line of boiler controls, liquid level controls and flow switches. Of course with the required certifications such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Airflow switches, level controls, various valves, relief valves, water cut-off systems for boilers and water pumps are include in the range of McDonnell & Miller. Controls Supply Chain offers all these products and components. McDonnell & Miller products are used for demanding applications in the oil and gas industry where high accuracy is required. Pneumatic valves or relays valves can be used in hazardous and non-hazardous process systems. For almost any application Controls Supply Chain can deliver the product or part of McDonnell & Miller. Also other products like heat pumps, gas meters, gas regulators, pressure gauges, pressure regulators, control valves, globe valves, open-close ball valves, butterfly valves, valves with rotary actuators, ball valves are pressure independent. Please consult our sales department for the right product. If you want more information on products, parts and accessories from McDonnell & Miller please contact the sales department at